Lost – #dubistdieruh

View video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6DWH31GOXI

A project that wonderful director Marina Mattner with her great team and I had put our hearts and minds in over the course of two years has finally come to a finish: a music video to Franz Schubert "Du bist die Ruh" (You are repose). Our attempt was to add another layer of interpretation to the exqusite poem by Friedrich Rückert and the beautiful and fragile composition by Franz Schubert. Starting from the line "Treib' andern Schmerz aus meiner Brust" (drive other pain from my chest) we added a quite gloomy visual interpretation to this on first sight very positive lovesong. An interpretation telling a story of loss; the loss of ones own personality in a toxic relationship, the loss of a loved person or of an idealised one.
With careful visuals, strong enough but not overpowering the music. Beautiful, but not turning the song into something saccharine sweet. And open enough in the interpretation as to giving the viewer and listener room for own thought.